Here’s Manch mSign. Everyone can agree
to agree digitally.

Improve your customers’ experience, say goodbye to paperwork and stay compliant. Sign one or more documents with a click of a button.
Switch to Manch to Experience the power of Manch

How Manch mSign works

Digitally sign documents with single OTP

Make complex signature
workflows easy

Improve user experience with 100% digital workflow
Advanced e-sign

  1. API integration
  2. Multi-party signature
  3. Define signature characteristics

Bulk processing

  1. Upload documents and signatories using Excel
  2. Use Manch to manage the workflow

Integrate with digital journey

  1. Lego like architecture enables easy integration with digital journey
  2. Provide alerts and escalations for visibility

Why Manch mSign?

Stay compliant

Stay compliant to meet complex regulatory requirements.

Keep customers happy

The simplicity and convenience of Manch mSign helps customers complete the tasks effortlessly.

Designed for the new normal

100% remote, contact less, paper less solution for agility and optimisation across various business processes. Can be done from the comfort of your home.

Seamless integrations

Seamless integrations with other Manch products on the platform or external products via API.

Reduce cost and time

Slashes agreement signing costs by 90% and drastically reduces turnaround time.

Performance and safety

Made in India. Built for the world. Compliant with over XXX regulatory requirements.


API to enable the compliance on the fly Easy to integrate with 3rd party Apps.

Join the best

Top companies are staying on top with Manch. Join a growing cohort of businesses to drive digital transformation with Manch mSign.

Anytime, anywhere

Easy access from any device helps drive user adoption.

Join the bes

Top companies are staying on top with Manch. Join a growing cohort of businesses to drive digital transformation with Manch mSign

With / without Manch mSign

1 User ExperienceSimple UIX
Single click signingX
2 WorkflowConfigurable to current workflowsX
3 Preset templatesMulti-party AgreementsX
Corporate Account OpeningX
Offer LetterX
Home loan applicationsX
Account OpeningX
4 Bulk SigningSign with smart documentsX
5 ImplementationCost of ImplementationLowHigh
6 AccessAll form factors
Device AgnosticX
7 ArchitectureCloud NativeX